Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why is Self-reliance important?

Let's examine 2 situations first.

Until about 20 years ago, jobs were very scarce. One had to tolerate all the tantrums thrown upon one by his superior/employer. Even if that means your self-respect getting hurt. Slightest show of rebellion would have landed one on streets. Why? The mean employer knew the employee was dependent on him.

So, let's assume you are one of those pathetic employees. Would you have suffered if you were self-reliant?

This MeanEmployer-PatheticEmployee situation gave rise to popular beliefs: Employers are bad, Rich are bad, Poor are good, Employees are good, etc., These beliefs were further etched into our minds by popular movies, stories and media.

Though these beliefs are no longer valid, these are still in use as yard sticks. Sometimes by the well-to-do/employers themselves!! I met 3 such idiots in my journeys.

Situation started changing after Y2K. IT & ITES started gathering momentum. Construction industry started booming. The final tilting came after 2006 TN assembly elections. Rs. 2/Kg rice scheme gave them the much-awaited kick.

Salaries increased tremendously. Attrition rate kept increasing. Behavior worsened everyday. It was sheer madness everywhere. Salary increase gave rise to price increase. Price increase gave rise to salary increase. It was one never ending vicious cycle.

Eliciting a simple job from a simple worker like maid requires Himaalayan perseverance. You can imagine the situation with next level workers like masons, painters, etc., They fix their timing. They take offs without intimation. They are not to be questioned. One simple question will break loose all hell. Why? The cunning worker knows your routine life is dependent on him/her. They also know that their lives can go on without you - Government's freebies, 100-days Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, 2 General Elections in 5 years, One Tsunami/Earthquake/Fire per generation. Would you have suffered such humiliation if you were self-reliant?

So, the rule is whoever has the advantage shall oppress the ones with disadvantage.

Here, I talked about just one situation - Employer & Employee. This can be applied to so many other situations like Races (white races oppressing darker races*), Countries (developed country oppressing a developing country*), Sexes (men oppressing women and vice-versa), Ages (elders oppressing youngers and vice-versa) and many more (North oppressing South, City-dwellers oppressing villagers, Villagers oppressing city-breds (in future)).

(* Self-reliancy on basic needs alone won't be enough to face invasions (such as the invasion by Chinese on Tibet or by barbarians like Timur, Ghazini, Gori, etc., on India), aggressions, genocide (such as Sinhalese annihilating Thamizhs). If Self-realization becomes the goal of entire humanity, words like invasion, aggression, genocide, etc. can be safely removed from the world languages.)

Though I have generalized White races & North as oppressors, I do know that not all of them are oppressors. I also know that traitors, unfaithfuls, ingratitudes are abound in the oppressed ones.

Hinduism is still alive largely in North. South & North-East are affected by conversion gangrene. 

The world is a better place now when it comes to communication, individual rights and privacy all because of White races. No one should forget the grand concept of Open Source by America & companies like Google from America. 

My own guru, Bhagavaan Ramana Maharshi, would not have surfaced but for 2 Britishers - FH Humprey & Paul Brunton. Brunton brought world's attention to Bhagavaan. Otherwise, orthodox people (not just Brahmins*) would have buried him deep in Earth with a Ramana Gaayatri Mantraa.

(* Literal meaning is "one who is with Brahmam" or "one who is Brahmam". This means a Jnaani. It is a grand word. But, now it simply denotes a caste. What a shame? In order to save this grand word, we must find a new word for that caste.)

Bhagavaan himself says this in Verse #98 of Akshara Mana Maalai (The Marital Garland of Letters):
வெளிவிட்டேன் உன் செயல் வெறுத்திடாது உன் அருள் வெளிவிட்டு எனைக்கா அருணாச்சலா
I have betrayed Thy (secret) workings. Be not offended. Show me Thy Grace now openly and save me, Oh Arunachala! 
Saadhu Om Swaamigal, a staunch devotee of Bhagavaan, explains that only a selected few would be revealed this secret after an eon of yeomen service to the guru. Bhagavaan has let it be known to the whole world. For this a section of the priest class still grudges him. I have felt it myself. One can find similar examples in western religions too. Here, the westerners brought Bhagavaan out. There, their siblings are hell bent on hiding their founder's eastern connection.

Back to self-reliance.

If you are not dependent on others for all your basic needs (ie. If you are self-reliant on basic needs), can you still be oppressed?

I think not.

Moreover, Self-reliant life-style is eco-friendly.
  • You will no longer travel or your travels will come down very much.
  • Essentials do not have to travel to come to you. Since you would be growing most of them and you would exchange the balance from your neighbors using Barter system (பண்டமாற்று முறை).
  • Your wastes do not have to leave you as you will be recycling them.
  • With this lifestyle and with Self-realization as goal, TV will get relegated to dungeons/lofts.
  • You will go for a smaller refrigerator or you will do without one as you will be eating fresh picks from your garden/farm.
  • Same is the story with your washing machine. What you wear regularly for your farm work can be hand-washed easily.
  • You will replace your LPG stove with a bio-gas stove.
  • You can sell your Air-conditioner unit as you will be surrounded by green trees.
  • You can either surrender your electricity connection or your usage will come down to minimum. Since this lifestyle demands “Rise Early & Sleep Early”, you will no longer burn lights for long in the evening.

Only things you should retain from your present lifestyle are your computer & Internet connection. Without communication, the world will slowly and surely revert to its old ways – stronger class oppressing weaker class.

So, without all those paraphernalia and with less/no travel, there is no global warming. You don't require energy from fossil fuels or coal. You don't have to expend any energy on their extraction, processing, transportation & sales.

Above all, my gut feeling is that this will check population rise. This lifestyle demands involvement. With involvement comes understanding. With understanding comes responsibility. At this stage, you also lose insecurity. You will no longer churn out offspring for your sake (old age, show of strength, etc.)

This lifestyle & goal also promote universal brotherhood. Once you get closer to Mother Nature or once you start losing your unreal self (ie. “Self is already realized. All that needs to be done is to lose the ignorance that you are not Self.” - Bhagavaan Ramanaa), you will understand the real meaning of our ancestors' vision, “Everyplace is ours. Everyone is related.” (யாதும் ஊரே. யாவரும் கேளிர்.) With this vision, all the ills we see in the current world will disappear.

There will only be love. அன்பே சிவம்.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why I write Thamizh names & words differently?

You may have noticed that I write Thamizh names & words with different spellings:

Tamil - Thamizh (தமிழ்)
Trichy - Thiruchchi (திருச்சி)
Bhagavan - Bhagavaan (பகவான்)
Ramana - Ramanaa (ரமணா)
Nammalwar - Nammaazhwaar (நம்மாழ்வார்)

I just reproduce exact Thamizh pronunciation in English.

Let's see some of the corrupt names in English:

Triplicane - Thiruvallikkeni (திருவல்லிக்கேணி)
Tuticorin - Thooththukkudi (தூத்துக்குடி)
Trivandrum - Thiruvanandhapuram (திருவணந்தபுரம்)
Tanjore - Thanjaavoor (தஞ்சாவூர்)
Tranquebar - Tharangambaadi (தரங்கம்பாடி)

When we have such beautiful Thamizh names, why should we still stick to ugly English versions? Several people still take pride in uttering these corrupt versions. Why? How would an English man feel if we corrupt his words? Do you think he will repeat after us and take pride in doing so?

This was one of the several techniques employed by the then ruling Britishers to impoverish us mentally. Of course, the Britishers achieved this with the help of the then upper class Indians. 

A form of intellectual slavery which still continues. How else would you equate the general belief still prevalent that speaking English fluently means intelligence/highly-educated?

Please remember that English is not one of the classical languages. Thamizh & Sanskrit are.

Sometimes in order to draw attention one has to do something different, something abnormal, something unconventional. That's what I am doing in my blog. This may sound stupid. Well, if it drives home the point, I don't mind accepting the adjective.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Periyaar is the name of my organic farm.

Am I a follower of Thanthai Periyaar (தந்தை பெரியார்)? No. Then, Why "Periyaar"?

Periyaar is a Thamizh word (பெரியார்) which comes from Periyor (பெரியோர்) which means elders or wise people. This name aptly conveys my belief that our ancestors' way of life in all respects is the best. 

To know what it was like then, one has to travel back in time to 800 BC. That's when Chozhargal brought in several Aryan families. Next, Muslims invaded us. Finally, Europeans. Major damage was caused by Britishers. They impoverished us mentally. This is still evident now. People still link English to intelligence. If somebody speaks English fluently then he should be an intelligent person, educated person, etc., What could be more idiotic than this?

Our ancestors' lives were centered on farming which is my livelihood now. This is another reason for the name Periyaar.

In Sanskrit, equivalent word for Periyaar is Devas. There are 33 crores Devas taking care of so many aspects of our lives. Usually, people think that such Devas live in the upper worlds. They are wrong. We know some Devas - Sun, Moon, Wind (Vaayu), Rain (Varunan), etc., Just dig a little deep. You will realize that majority of the Devas are nothing but microbes!!

You must have heard about the Gomaathaa (கோ-மாதா). Cow is supposed to be a sacred animal. All the major Devas live inside her. Her rear is supposed to be the dwelling place of Goddess Lakshmi. Well, that is where cow dung comes out. In a gram of cow dung millions of microbes lives. They are the majority of the Devas. When applied to the field, these microbes enrich soil. Plants grow well. When plants grow well, money flows in well. Money is another name for Goddess Lakshmi!! 

In fact, life goes on in Earth because of microbes (ie. Devas). Without them nothing grows. Without them nothing decomposes. This is ancient knowledge. They were considered sacred. Hence, they were called as Devas. Our ancestors knew this fact several millenniums ago. I believe West rediscovered this fact during their Renaissance period. This period equals colonization period. You can imagine the rest.

Coming back to microbes. Entire farming, especially organic methods, is dependent on microbes. Hence  the respect for them. Hence the name. 

You can see four major microbes behind the letters in the header image. Bacteria behind "PE". Actinomycetes behind "RI". Algae behind "YA". Fungi behind "AR".

The last reason is the reformist Thanthai Periyaar (தந்தை பெரியார்) himself. Though I am a semi-Aryan, I consider him to be the greatest social reformer after Lord Gauthama Buddhaa. We all owe it to him for the liberties we enjoy now. What would he do now if he were alive? Of course, he would be fighting for those against whom he revolted earlier.

Now for the colors in the image.

Sky Blue of the box surrounding the letters, represents the 1st element Space (வானம்). Background of the letters PE are in black & grey representing Air, 2nd element in the creation (காற்று). Background of the letters RI are in red & yellow representing Fire, 3rd element (நெருப்பு). Background of the letters YA are in blue & green representing Water, 4th element (நீர்). The last element, Earth (மண்), is represented in brown by the background of the letters AR.

These five colors represent the five basic elements (Pancha Bhoothaas, பஞ்ச பூதங்கள்). Everything comes from these elements. Everything in dissolution goes back to these elements.

The background is a charcoal image. This represents an agro-forest which is how my field is going to look in the future.

The catchwords, "Not just an Organic Farm. It is THE way of life.", highlight the importance of farming. Farming is the base for a self-sustained life. If one approaches farming with this as a motive, it will be a success. Any other approach, like money, under the current scenario will surely result in disaster.

Where is it located?

View Periyaar in a larger map

It is about 110 kms from Chennai. From Vennaangupattu stop on ECR, it is about 10 kms.

Coming from Chennai:

- When you come from Chennai, take a left-turn at Mathuraanthagam. Ask for the road that leads to Vennaangupattu (வெண்ணாங்குபட்டு). 
- At Puththirankottai (புத்திரன்கோட்டை), you will notice an IOC petrol station. Once you cross it, take a left turn.
- After about 4 kms, you will encounter a fork. Take the left road. You should see  a mobile phone tower.
- After about 1 km, you will see a T joint. Turn right here.
- After about 300 mtrs, you will see a farm gate on the right side with a name plaque "Sheera Sagar". Immediately after that building, there is a mud road. Turn right and take that road.
- Drive another 200 mtrs or so. On the right side, you will see a defunct solar fence.
- You have reached Periyaar.

Coming from southern towns like Thindivanam, Thiruchchi, etc.,:

- At Melmaruvaththoor (மேல்மருவத்தூர்), take the service road. Take right turn under the flyover. At the end of that road, take left turn. Within few meters, you will see a road on the right. Take that.
- After about 6 kms you will encounter Chiththaamoor (சித்தாமூர்) junction. Take right turn.
- Then follow the instructions from the second point from above.

Coming from ECR Vennaangupattu (வெண்ணாங்குபட்டு):

- Take the Vennaangupattu - Mathuraanthagam road. Drive for about 5 kms. Look for a big banyan tree on your right. Take right turn here. You should see a pond on your left. This pond is supposed to be sacred. People don't pollute this pond. Water from this pond is used for all rituals in the near by Sivan temple.
- If you happen to miss the banyan tree, you will notice a Sivan temple on your right. If you see it, take U turn. Drive for about 100 mtrs. On your left you will see the banyan tree.
- After about 2 kms, you will see a sign board "Lazy Acres" or "Breeze Way". Take left turn.
- Drive as the road unwinds. After about 1 km, you see a EB transformer on your left. After a few meters from that transformer, you will encounter a T joint. You may miss it. In which case, you will see a farm gate with a name plaque "Sheera Sagar". If you see it, take U turn and look for the T joint.
- At that T joint, take left turn and you will be on a mud road.
- Drive another 200 mtrs or so. On the right side, you will see a defunct solar fence.
- You have reached Periyaar.

What do I do?

At present, we grow coconuts & mangoes. Several fruit trees like Guava, Sappottaa, Jackfruit, Naaval (நாவல்), 3 or 4 varieties of Gooseberries (நெல்லிக்காய்), 3 varieties of Lemons, Lime and Oranges have been planted recently as intercrops.

This may sound very simple. But, I assure you, it is not. Especially for a city-bred absentee-owner adhering to moral principles (Nyaayaam நியாயம், Dharmam தர்மம்). Nowadays, even a seasoned, mean & full time farm owner finds it difficult to elicit proper work from a single worker. You can imagine my situation. With these limitations what I have managed to achieve needs special eyes to evaluate.

We follow "No Tillage". The farm hasn't been tilled for more than 4 years now. This is the only farm from the surrounding villages that follows this principle.

In fact, we follow all the 4 principles of the great Masanobu Fukuoka: No Tillage, No Chemical Fertilizers or prepared Compost, No Weeding or Herbicides, No Dependence on chemicals.

Can Periyaar be called a Do-Nothing farm? Well, the term "Do-Nothing" is a misnomer. It requires lot of work till the farm matures.

Can Periyaar be called a Natural farm? No. The moment you introduce a new plant, Nature is disturbed. It is no longer a natural farm. Only pristine pure forests untouched by human beings can be called as such.

Well, we introduce plants. Then, we rely on Mother Nature to foster them. We just assist her in her fosterage thinking stupidly that she needs our help.

What do I intend to achieve?

In 2 words: Self-Realization (மெய்ஞானம்) and Self-Reliant (சுயசார்பு) Lifestyle.

Without the grand goal of Self-realization, Self-reliant lifestyle will not become sustainable in the long term. Till you get experience, till you get hold of the nuances, this life style may intrigue you. Once you become self-reliant, you will not know what to do with your spare time. It is most likely that you will fall back into the abyss somewhat willingly.

If that is so about self-reliant lifestyle, one may ask about self-realization too: "What will I do once I realize my self?". Annaamalai Swaamigal, a staunch devotee of Bhagavaan Ramanaa, says, "Once you realize your Self, some other power takes over you. You are no longer in control." So, after realization, you cannot DO, you can JUST BE.

Now, when it comes to self-reliance, people normally assume Food, Clothing, Shelter & Energy. I would like to add Medicines, Education & Self-defense to this list. 

Since the eco-system is so spoilt, we cannot do without medicines. 

Without learning, one cannot know about Food, Clothing, etc., That itself is education. When I list Education separately, I mean Language (for communication - Mother Tongue for everything & English for communicating with non-locals), Values (Live & Let Live), Scientific thinking (instead of just belief which promotes stupidity), Mathematics (just the basics will do), Astrology (again basics will do, this is to realize the truth that we have no control over the events that unfold before us), Sociology (this is a must; as long as one inhabits a body one should know how other bodies behave) and, finally, Knowledge about the Non-dual Self.

Since the values Nyaayam (நியாயம்) & Dharmam (தர்மம்) have been relegated to the lowest position and since strength rules the roost now, self-defense is a must.

I would like to cover each and every category as comprehensive as possible but in a simple way. When I say 'cover', I mean reporting after experiencing it first hand.

I want Periyaar to be like self-motor in the automobiles, like diving board in the pools, like Wikipedia in the Net.